Lucky Road Doughnut Run – Feb 2024

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Is it doughnut or donut? Krispy Kreme spells it doughnut.

The typical New Year’s resolution lasts until January 17. This year, I first heard the phrase “Dry January.” Now that we have reached February, it’s a good time for a first Saturday morning Doughnut Run.

Looking out the front door of Lucky Road Run Shop on Carl Silver Parkway in Fredericksburg, Virginia, there is an excellent view of the Krispy Kreme Doughnut shop. Partnering, Lucky Road managed their first Doughnut Fun Run. For participants, the run was free.

They mapped a 1-mile loop that started on Fall Hill Avenue next to Carrabba’s going toward I-95, running a loop in the townhouse development behind the Volvo dealership before returning to the start line. At the end of each loop, runners were rewarded with a Krispy Kreme Original Glazed Doughnut. The original run announcement indicated one or two per loop. Pre-run instructions limited us to one per loop. There was a six-lap maximum.

Overnight, I developed a huge screaming cramp in my left calf that I needed to stretch out and was still tight in the morning.

My morning blood pressure was 97 over 60. When my Systolic pressure is below 100, I’m supposed to skip my 37mg dose of Metoprolol. But if I run after skipping a dose, I’m supposed to take 12mg. So, I did the latter.

Looking to eat 1920 calories of doughnuts, my breakfast was a half cup of oranges and water.

The run started at 8:30 am with a forecast of 34 degrees, six mph winds, and sunny. By my expected finish time of 10 am, the temperature would be in the low 40s.

With these conditions and knowing I would be doing more walking than running, I wore tights, my Gore-Tex jacket with two undershirts, gloves, a neck gaiter, a knit hat, and my Saucony Triumph 20 shoes. One of the undershirts had sleeves designed to cover my hands. Forty degrees with all these clothes? I’m becoming a wimp.

I planned to walk 300 paces and then run 90 paces. After a group picture, we started at 8:38. I started the first loop running and each following loop walking while eating. For each loop, I ran three 90-pace sections or about 3 minutes.

I did not have any digestive issues during the event. I’m glad I wore a bottle belt with 16 ounces of UCAN hydrate. I took a drink every two laps to wash down the food.

My six laps were consistent: 14:39, 12:45, 13:08, 13:09, 13:18, and 13:26 for a total time of 1:20:29. I was the last person to start a sixth lap. That made me the DFL finisher.

Lucky Road did a super job with the event. They bought 22 dozen doughnuts and had one dozen left. A total of 252 were eaten. We had more than 43 participants. There were consumption and lap slackers.

Original Glazed have a low-calorie count. Only 160 calories compared to my typical chocolate covered from Paul’s at 300 to 400 calories. Here are the nutrition facts for 6.

Looking at my heart rate, I had spikes at 9:13 and 9:53 am. I felt the latter as I walked up the last hill. Hill? The course had ups and downs, but it was nothing stressful. I did 10,891 steps over the 6 miles.


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