Long Run? – July 8, 2021

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I may have to rename this blog sloweroldrunner.com.

In the last 100 meters of my long run on June 24, 2021, I felt a slight pull in my right groin muscle. I took it easy for a couple of days by taking more frequent walking breaks in my runs.

The pain went away, and I had two good races this past weekend. On Monday, two miles into an easy run, I felt the issue again.

That day, I slowed down. It wasn’t easy to run on Tuesday. So, I walked a couple of miles.

Today, I went out for my usual weekly long run, planning to walk every six minutes.

I could not push off to run without pain. So, I ended up walking the 11-mile route.

My usual time for this run is 1:45 to 1:55. Today, it took 2:42.

I guess I’ll keep stretching and walking for the next week and see what it feels like next Thursday.

Devil’s Den might be a 10-mile walk.

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