Long Run – July 15, 2021

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I have not tried to run more than 100 paces at a time since last Thursday’s long walk.

Last Saturday, my right groin hurt in the middle of one of my running breaks. So to speed recovery, I’ve been doing more walking than running.

Today, I started on my 11-mile course on the Belmont Ferry Farm Trail and Heritage Loop. I planned to run all the sections that were on level ground and walk everything else. Level ground puts less stress on my legs.

At around 6 miles during a running section, I felt a pain in my right groin muscle. I walked the remainder of the workout. First 6 miles, 1:02. Last 5 miles 1:18.

It’s back to heat, compression, and stretching. I’ll need to maintain a 15 minute pace to complete 50km in 8 hours.

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