Letter to Santa – 2021

Sharing is caring!

Dear Santa,

I’ve been a good boy this year. I exercise and eat my vegetables, and I don’t stay out to all hours of the night. I’ve motivated others to adopt a healthy lifestyle through exercise and diet.

Am I on your nice list?

For Christmas, I would like:

Speed, endurance, and health to my fellow runners.

My plumber to show up on time for an appointment.

My grandkids to be able to work hard on their studies and activities.

My daughters to be happy in all their endeavors.

A reprieve from COVID restrictions will give confidence to race directors to hold in-person races. For hospital workers, a permanent solution to this pandemic.

Can you convince the press to publish stories that will unite us?

Would you please give President Biden the ability to string a speech together without stumbling over the words and numbers?

For the Washington Football Team, an exciting new name and a return to health to those players stricken by COVID.

For the UVA coaching staffs, if another national championship happens, it happens.

I want ideas to publish a blog post once every three days. Give my readers the understanding that some posts may be unintentionally offensive. But, that is what may be required to have a conversation on sensitive subjects. Ten more consistent blog readers would be excellent.

For me, I would like an injury-free year to run and train for another official JFK finish. Can you give me the strength and desire to complete the 12 Coldwell Banker Elite Grand Prix races and extend my marathon finish streak to 30 years?

If you can’t do this, ala Sally, “send money, tens and twenties.”

I tell my kids that he will never come if they do not believe in Santa.

Santa, you’re the concept of giving that might motivate us to strive for peace and goodwill for all.

Yours truly,



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