Happy Earth Day 2021

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I learned how to drink from a glass when I was 2. Ok, I might have used a sippy cup for a while. So, why do restaurants give you a straw with every drink and refill? I never use one. They are a waste of plastic and plastic waste filling landfills and oceans.

So, who dumps all the plastic waste in the Pacific Ocean? California, Oregon, Washington and Hawaii are environmental conscious states. It must be flowing down the Colorado River from Colorado and Arizona. No, those are two more green states. Is this another China import?

I had a good 20 mile run this morning. I got out about 7:15am with temps below freezing. No global warming today. The average low this time of year should be in the high 40s.

I ran through Chatham onto the Belmont Ferry Farm Trail, across the Falmouth Bridge for 3 loops of the Heritage Trail before returning home. After, I did a little 3 1/2 miles to get the full 20. The latter portion was an out and back, which I negative split. I did have a headwind on the way out and the return tailwind helped.

There were some photographers set up on the Heritage Trail looking out onto Wheeler’s Island. They were set up there last week, too. I thought they were photographing birds. On my second loop, there was a fox on the island in plain site. 34 minutes later, the fox was still at the same spot. On this pass, I saw a litter of kit foxes playing with their mother. I hope there are some good pictures.

This was my last 20 mile long run before my May marathon. I only had 2 months to ramp up my miles. Usually, I take 4 months. So, I did 2 x 14, 2 x 16, 2 x 18 and 2 x 20. Though today’s time, 3:31, was not great. It was still 10 minutes faster than last week. Hope I can break 5 hours next month.


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