October 20 to 26

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How do life milestones all happen within seven days? I come to this time a year and remember the past.

October 20: 73 years ago, my parents married. Without this occasion, I would not be here. In 1943, my mother enlisted in the Marine Corps to help in World War II. In the summer of 1950, my dad was on a train heading to Camp Pendleton as a Marine Corps Reserve. The train stopped in Ogden, Utah, where my parents met.

October 22: 40 years ago, I married Sandra’s and Megan’s mother.

October 24: 30 years ago, I ran my first marathon and first Marine Corps Marathon. 24 years ago, I married number two at a marathon.

October 26: 45 years ago, I started my first full-time professional job as a software developer for the Headquarters Branch of the Marine Corps Exchanges.

There is a common theme here.

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