Kevin Can F Himself – Review

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Toward the end of May, I saw a commercial for a new TV show. In the trailer, a woman is sitting at an outdoor cafe table reading a book—the waiter comments on seeing her every day. The woman explains that she is a widow. When the waiter asks how her husband died, she responds, “Oh, I killed him.”

Though I did not know what to expect, I do like a good murder mystery. With the title “Kevin Can F Himself,” maybe there are some mitigating circumstances. I set my DVR to record and watched the first 2 hours a couple of weeks ago.

Allison is our heroin, and Kevin is her husband, living in Worchester, MA, without children. They are both in their 30s.

Anytime Kevin is in a scene, the show plays like a sitcom. You’ve seen this before, “Everyone Loves Raymond,” “King of Queens,”… right down to the laugh track. The characters are doing those wacky sitcom setup things. The presentation is bright, and the bantering is extreme.

When Kevin leaves the scene or Allison the room, the action follows Allison, turns dark, and the laugh track silences.

Allison wants to improve her lifestyle, and ala Fred Flintstone finds Kevin has never saved the money he said he was keeping.

Allison is in a real-life world with adult thoughts and consequences. I would consider this a dramedy.

A couple of hours in, Allison is plotting Kevin’s demise and learns more about her other relationships.

This one looks like it has promise. Drops on AMC+ on Sunday at 9 pm and on AMC 7 days later.


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