Derek Chauvin Trial Update

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Today is closing arguments in the Derek Chauvin murder trial of George Floyd.

I’ve watched about an hour of testimony. Headline News is covering from 10am until 7pm each day.

Friday April 9, 2021 was the tenth day in the prosecution’s case. The prosecution rested on Monday April 12. There are so many terms used in the presentation, I’m not sure how the jurors can retain all of this information. The prosecution presented 2 or 3 witnesses that testified with similar information. One thing we learned from the OJ case, the trial was too long.

The talking heads, analyzing the case during recesses, are 100% pro prosecutor, as are the snippets I hear in the news. I’ve yet to hear one say, the defense made a good point.

One cross examination interchange happened at 3:32pm on Monday April 5. The prosecution witness is the Minneapolis Chief of Police.

Defense attorney question: Chief, are you familiar with the concept of camera perspective bias?

Chief: I am not, counselor.

The defense attorney then plays 10 seconds of Miss Frazier’s Facebook video, then the same 10 seconds of Officer Kueng’s body camera video.

Question: Do you agree they appear to be the same time frame.

Chief: Yes

The defense attorney then using split screen shows the two videos side by side.

Question: You would agree, chief, that from the perspective of Miss Frazier’s camera, it appears, that Officer Chauvin’s knee is on the neck of Mr. Floyd?

Chief: Yes

Question: Would you agree that from the perspective of Officer Kueng’s body camera, it appears, that Officer Chauvin’s knee was more on Mr. Floyd’s shoulder blade?

Chief: Ahh om, yes.

Defense attorney: I have no further questions.

I wonder what other gems we are not hearing about. I can see where the defense is going to use technology with video overlays during there presentation. The door has been opened to allow that evidence.

The defense case lasted 3 days with their own set of experts and the defendant did not take the stand. The last point makes me think he feels he is guilty of something. Murder charges may have been overreaching. The again, OJ did not take the stand.

The defense is trying to pin doubt on the location of the knee and actual cause of death.

The last minute of the original video is still puzzling and why the EMTs did not provide aid on the street. Rather, they threw Mr Floyd in the squad and drove off  while giving him aid.

Let’s hope that cities do not burn from the verdict, probably sometime this week. I see where the NBA has already planned for the possible suspension of play for a few days.

No matter the verdict. Not everyone will be satisfied.

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