Fully Vaccinated

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It’s been 14 days since I received my second shot of the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine. So, I’m fully vaccinated.

Yesterday in the news, there has been one death and six other cases of blood clotting in persons receiving the Johnson and Johnson vaccine. These are high enough for the FDA to pull the J&J vaccine from future use. The death occurred in Virginia.

The other two vaccines are still being used.

At this time, only 22.2% of Virginians are fully vaccinated, which is just below the national average of 25%. For the vaccine to become effective and allow us to stop wearing masks and stop social distancing, 75% would be a good number.

The number of new cases is ticking up. They are at about the same level as last spring, way below the winter peak. The news is reporting this uptick as a new crisis.

The numbers that cannot be seen on the Virginia COVID dashboard are a time series graph of hospital occupancies and a time series graph of ICU occupancies. Vaccination numbers are reported. There are no reports available for fully vaccinated individuals, who have been a confirmed case, hospitalized or died.

Hopefully, the stories of doom will not slow the spread of full vaccinated Virginians.

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