Long Run – September 30, 2021

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Fall is here. The early 50 degree mornings make long runs pleasant.

I got out just after 7 am on my typical Belmont Ferry Farm, Falmouth Bridge, Heritage Trail loop course. Going through Pratt Park, the morning fog was starting to burn off.

I wore shorts over compression shorts and a short-sleeve shirt. It was chilly enough to wear gloves to prevent issues from my Renaud Syndrome. Still worried about bonking, I tied a long sleeve shirt around my waist as a precaution.

I dropped back to an 11-mile run this week and will build back up in the coming weeks. I felt good for the first 50 minutes and was about a minute faster than desired at my first checkpoint. I was doing a 2-minute walk and drink every 18 minutes interval.

Looping on the Canal Path, my right quad started giving me twinges, and I slowed a little. My loop time was about a minute slower than expected. During the last 40 minutes, I was concerned about staining either my right groin or quad.

About 10 minutes from home, my right hamstring gave a short, slight pull that went away as fast as it came. Even with the pause, my time for the last segment back was about 2% faster than outbound.

I’ll keep moving and hope for the best.

My next local long run will be after the Chatham Bridge opens on October 10. I’ll be able to head out to Lee Drive for the first time in 16 months. Woo Hoo!

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