Long Run – September 2, 2021

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Yesterday, the remnants of hurricane Ida blew through and took all the humidity with it on its way north. When I got out on my long run, the sunny skies had a temperature of 61 degrees with a 55-degree dew point. Fall is just a few weeks away, and I enjoyed the early fall weather.

For the second week in a row, I did my 14 mile Belmont Ferry Farm Trail, Falmouth Bridge, two times Heritage Trail route. Last week, the final three miles were brutal. I want to make sure 14 miles were OK before jumping to longer runs.

I assumed there was mud and puddles leftover from yesterday’s rain. So, I used my old Nike React Infinity Flyknit 2 rain shoes. In these shoes, I underpronate.  That had me worried most of the run that my legs would fall apart by straining something.

Most of the route was clear of water, and there was one downed tree. The chilly wind was coming downriver.

I did five minutes better this week, did not fade in the last three miles, and negative split the workout by about a minute. I’ll extend it to 16 miles next week.

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