Sweden 3, Canada 1, USWNT 0

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In 2018, Laura Ingraham said to Lebron James, “shut up and dribble.” Her desire was for Mr. James to stick with his craft and keep his political opinions to himself.

More and more athletes are using their celebrity to voice their political and cultural opinions. Some of their views may be misinformed or reflect popular fake news.

We need to address some issues. Maybe this is not the right platform.

On July 21, 2021, at the Tokyo Olympics, Sweden out hustled, outran, and outplayed the US Women. Sweden kicked their butts all over the field. In the few minutes, I watched, multiple US women laid on the grass with injuries.

On August 2, 2021, at the Tokyo Olympics, Canada knocked out the US Woman 1-0 to reach the gold medal game.

Before the Sweden game, the USWNT knelt during the US National Anthem. Maybe the USWNT should work out and hone their skills rather than spending their time trying to figure out how to choreograph protests. News sources have not reported any demonstration by the US Women before the game with Canada.

The last time a foreign military power has attacked US soil was the War of 1812. Ok, Pearl Harbor may count, too.

In 1814 as the British were attacking the port city of Baltimore, the US commander at Fort McHenry flew a large flag over the fort. So large that Francis Scott Key could see the flag from 6 miles away. The commander thought the flag would signal the citizens of Baltimore that the fort’s defenses were holding.

After a day of shelling and being repulsed at Hampstead Hill, the British retreated to regroup and later attacked New Orleans.

This Baltimore Harbor battle was a significant turning point in the war and inspired Mr. Key to write the Star-Spangled Banner poem. Within a year, the words were adapted to the melody of a popular British drinking song. It was not until 1931 that Congress designated the song as our national anthem.

The poem may not have been perfect and may be insensitive to some. I may not agree with what the USWNT says, I agree with their right to say it. I don’t know of any other country whose athletes enjoy the right to protest. What a country!

We haven’t had a major military attack on US soil since 1941. There have been small guerrilla attacks with a considerable loss of life. I do not want a foreign power to assault us to get us united again.

Attacks are now coming in cyber, economic, biological, and irregular military. Let’s not call illegal border crossings an attack yet. Our adversaries are waiting for our self-destruction.

We’re losing sight of what unites us. Our state-supported athletes should be working to unite rather than divide.

We’ll leave the equal pay suit and contract law discussions to another day.

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