2022 Coldwell Banker Elite Grand Prix

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Thanks to all the fast runners who did not complete seven races in the past year’s Grand Prix series. With your help, I finished second in the 65 to 69-year-old age group. And there were more than two in that age group.

2022 was the 29th edition of the Grand Prix. The 12 races in the series were the 293rd to 304th series races.

Over the 29 years, I’ve completed 192 races and need .2278 more miles to reach 1000.

Until 2021, I never placed in the top 3 of my age group in any series race. No top 3 age group race finishes this year.

Fortunately, I’ve been in the top 3 of my age group for the past 3 Grand Prix. Age and perseverance do pay off. Keep running.

My awards included: a personalized paperweight, soup thermos, headband, and reflective running gear. The latter was awarded to those finishing all 12 races.

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