Devil’s Den 2020 Shirt

Sharing is caring!

Another surprise this morning.

The top shirt on my short sleeve tech shirt stack was from the 2020 Devil’s Den 10 mile race in Culpeper.

That race was on August 16, about 8 months before today’s first wearing. It was my second pandemic in-person race. The morning was overcast and a little cooler than normal for August. I ran the entire race without walk breaks to drink.

The graphic design was done by Duane Williamson. I hadn’t noticed the mask on the devil until this morning.

This year’s race will be on August 15, 2021. Race organizers have asked for me to measure the course going in a counter clockwise loop. We may need to make up a little distance with a short out and back  on Stephenson Road in the southeast section of the loop. Route 666 has church traffic starting about 8:30 am and going in the opposite direction will get runners off that road by 8 am.  Still, the change won’t increase the shade later in the race.

These are my stacks of short sleeve tech shirts. This is in excess of 100. I pull from the left stack. Laundered and new shirts go on the right stack. Once the left stack is exhausted, I slide the stacks to the left. There are more new surprises buried in these stacks.

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